Once your scenario is published, it will automatically collect data on how your viewers interact with it. To view this data, simply open the scenario in the editor, click the three-dots button in the upper-right corner and select ‘Statistics’:
There are two types of tracking available for scenarios:
- Basic tracking will show you how much time each learner has spent viewing the scenario, what goals they’ve accomplished, and how many points they’ve received. Basic tracking is available on all plans that have access to scenarios.
Advanced tracking will also save learners’ exact path and how much time they’ve spent on each node.
In both cases, the learner must have a ThingLink account and they must be logged in. If the learner is not logged in then ThingLink will not be able to record how they've completed a scenario.
You can enable advanced tracking data via scenario settings (the cog icon). Note that advanced tracking is available on Enterprise plans only.
Basic data
You can view basic tracking data directly on the Statistics page:
The page provides detailed insights for each learner, including the total time spent on the scenario across all attempts (‘Total time’), the duration of their longest attempt (‘Longest session’), the points earned by achieving goals (‘Score’), and the specific goals they’ve reached (‘Goals achieved’). All data reflects cumulative results from all attempts to complete the scenario.
You can hover over the circles representing different goals to see which ones the learner has achieved.
Advanced tracking data
Advanced tracking data provides detailed insights, including:
- The blocks each learner has visited, allowing you to analyze their learning path.
- The total time spent by each learner on the entire scenario and individual blocks.
- Whether learners answered questions in the 'Question' blocks correctly on their first attempt.
- The number of times viewers selected each option in Branching blocks.
Please note that advanced tracking is disabled by default and has to be enabled in the scenario settings. If a learner completes a scenario before advanced tracking is activated, additional data will not be recorded for them.
Enabling Analytics overlay
To view advanced tracking data enable the Analytics overlay in the scenario editor. Simply toggle on 'Analytics overlay' in the top right toolbar:
Once the overlay is toggled on, you will see the following metrics on blocks:
- 'AVG time on block' measures the average time learners spend viewing each block. It is calculated as the average time across all sessions and attempts to complete the scenario and is displayed for each scenario block.
- 'X Users were here' represents the number of unique learners who have viewed a scenario block. It is calculated across all attempts to complete the scenario and is displayed for each block.
- 'Paths taken' distribution for branching blocks shows how many times each path was chosen by learners. This data includes every instance the branching block was displayed. If your scenario allows learners to encounter the same branching block multiple times, each choice made during an attempt will be recorded. This metric is shown only on branching blocks.
'X / Y Correct/Incorrect answers' shows how many learners provided a correct or incorrect answer to a Question block. Here, 'X' represents the number of learners who answered correctly on their first attempt, and 'Y' represents the total number of learners who provided an incorrect answer.
In addition to these block-specific metrics, you will see some aggregate stats in 'Analytics overview':
- 'Unique viewers' represents the number of unique learners who have started the scenario.
- 'Total attempts' represents the total number of times learners have started the scenario.
- 'Average time to complete' calculates the average time learners take to go from the beginning of a scenario to the results screen. This metric is based on all attempts, so if a learner completes the scenario multiple times, each attempt is counted separately.
Analytics overlay controls
You can use the 'Data display settings' to control how the data is displayed.
- View data: 'All' or 'By block'. If you select 'All', stats for all blocks will be displayed at once. If you select 'By block', data will appear only when you hover over a specific scenario block. The default setting is 'All'.
- Filter data: 'All' or 'By user'. By default, you’ll see data for all learners who have attempted to complete the scenario. To view data for specific learners or groups, select the 'By user' option and choose users or groups from the dropdown menu:
Exporting tracking data
You can also export advanced tracking data as an Excel file. Open the scenario editor, click the three dots on the top right corner, click 'Statistics' and select the 'User progress' tab, then click the 'Download report' button in the upper-right corner.
Miscellaneous notes on metrics & scenario structure
- The metrics for how many learners have viewed different blocks or completed various paths can be influenced by Jump-to lines that redirect learners from one block to another. For instance, if a Jump-to line redirects learners from path A to path B, you may notice that more learners appear to have completed path B than viewed the preceding blocks in that path.
- Additionally, Jump-to lines and the use of the 'Back' button can result in learners revisiting the same branching block multiple times. As a result, the distribution of choices in the branching block may not match the number of learners who completed the scenario.
- The scenario stats exclude any attempts made by the author of the scenario — your own interactions are not counted in the metrics shown.
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