If you've purchased a School license, you can connect ThingLink to your LMS using an LTI integration. This will allow your teachers and students to login into ThingLink or create an account by clicking on the ThingLink app button in your LMS.
Note that you do not need the LTI integration to embed ThingLink content.
Connecting ThingLink to your LMS
As the admin of your School account, you can find consumer key, shared secret and other information needed to enable the integration by going to 'My School' and navigating to the LTI tab:
Use the provided information in your LMS to connect the LTI. Find instructions for your LTI here:
Enabling ThingLink in Canvas
1. Log into Canvas with an admin account. Go to 'Admin' - 'Settings' - 'Apps' and use the '+App' button to enable ThingLink for all courses:
2. Once you've added the app, all teachers will be able to add ThingLink to their courses as an external tool. To do that, a teacher has to navigate to a course module and use the 'Add item' button:
The teacher can just click on ‘ThingLink’ (or whatever you’ve named the app when adding it), then tick the ‘Load in a new tab’ box and click ‘Add item’. The URL field will be filled in automatically.
3. The app should now appear in that module:
How it works
When a user clicks on the Thinglink App in the LMS, a new browser window will open and the student or teacher will be automatically logged in. If there is no existing ThingLink account for that individual, a new user will automatically be created and added to the organization.
Teacher and student accounts are defined automatically. The following LTI roles automatically create a Thinglink Teacher account:
"Administrator", "urn:lti:sysrole:ims/lis/Administrator",
"Instructor", "urn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Instructor",
"Staff", "rn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Staff",
"Mentor", "urn:lti:instrole:ims/lis/Mentor",
"TeachingAssistant", "urn:lti:role:ims/lis/TeachingAssistant
If the user does not have one of these roles, they get a student account.
If you are having issues with LTI, please submit a tech support request.
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