What are the views?
Views are counted when a direct link or webpage with ThingLinks embedded is loaded and each load counts as one view.
We limit the number of views for each user with a view quota calculated based on the total views during the last 12 months. We do not increase the view count when you view your own content (as long as you are logged in).
Your current number of views and the view limit is displayed in your Profile settings -> Billing tab:
You can learn more about your views, the main sources of views and other engagement statistics by checking content statistics.
What happens if you run out of views
When your account reaches and exceeds view limits, all embed ThingLinks will be displayed with a banner that will redirect the viewer to consume the content on ThingLink. The images will stay interactive but available only on ThingLink.
In addition, upon logging in you'll see a banner notifying you that you've run out of views.
My project says 'This media is not available right now.'
If your project says 'This media is not available right now.', there could be two reasons:
- Your project is private and cannot be viewed by others. Please check the content Privacy (Visibility) Settings and make sure the project is Public or Unlisted.
- You have a free account and your trial is over. If you have signed up for a free account, or if you had a free teacher account in the past, you will need to upgrade to make your project visible to others.
How to purchase more views
If you've hit your view limit, get in contact with our support team at sales@thinglink.com or support@thinglink.com. Our Premium accounts start with more views than Professional plans.
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